There are some potential risks and dangers associated with hypnosis, although these are generally considered extremely rare. Some of the potential risks and dangers of hypnosis include:

  • Discomfort or distress: Some people may experience discomfort or distress while in a hypnotic state. This may be due to the content of the suggestions given during hypnosis, or to the experience of being in a trance-like state.

  • False memories: There is a risk that hypnosis may lead to the creation of false memories, particularly if the hypnotherapist suggests specific events or experiences that did not actually occur.

  • Dependence: It is possible that a person may become dependent on hypnosis as a way of coping with stress or difficult emotions. This could potentially lead to a person relying on hypnosis as a crutch, rather than learning healthy coping skills.

  • Loss of control: Some people may be concerned about losing control while in a hypnotic state. However, it is important to note that a person in hypnosis is not unconscious or asleep, and they are still able to think and make decisions for themselves. They are simply more open to suggestion and may be more receptive to certain types of therapy or treatment.

Overall, the risks and dangers of hypnosis are generally considered to be low, and it is generally regarded to be a safe and effective treatment when used by a trained and qualified mental health professional. However, it is always important to discuss any concerns you may have with your therapist before beginning treatment.

In the past twenty years of our practice, I cannot recall a single incident of anyone experiencing any side effects of Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy. Indeed, the outcomes have only been positive. I have though, on occasion, spoken to individuals who experienced some issues when they visited a less experienced Hypnotherapist, but again, these incidents are rare. At the Hampshire Hypnotherapy & Counselling Centre, you will receive the best possible experience from the most highly trained and professional therapists in the UK.


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