Dear Jo,
Thank you for your help, guidance and training in Changing Limiting Beliefs.
The information was thorough and the examples and evidence underpinning the ‘why’ people do/think the way we do made for valuable and insightful learning. The subtle shifts in my thinking have dramatically changed my perspective and ‘put me back on track’. In addition I now have the skills to notice my thinking and quickly interrupt any negative patterns before they turn to brooding and ruminating which is what lost me my perspective before.
My self esteem is at a healthy level and my confidence and self belief are much improved as a direct result.
My impression generally of Hampshire Hypnotherapy is of a professional, polished, organised, forward thinking and up to the moment therapy centre offering the latest in Hypnosis related treatment.
My thanks again, all the best
Regards N
Morning Ant,
Further to our recent meetings, I wanted to drop you a line to thank you so much for your help, as promised. (Sorry it’s taken a while to do)
Prior to visiting you, we have suffered for a number of years with my son’s bedwetting problem. At it’s worst, it was every night. At best, it was a couple of times a week. We visited the doctor and whilst they provided him some medication to suppress the issue, it did not fully resolve it and he continued to experience the problem. this was obviously an upsetting situation for him and affected him deeply, as he could not attend sleepovers etc.
I was convinced that there was no medical issue so decided to pursue other options, which is when I discovered that hypnotherapy may be an answer. Initially, my son was very hesitant in taking this course of action and I had to really persuade him to attend. I too was sceptical but was willing to consider any option that could help him. I am so glad that I did chose hypnotherapy and your centre.
After our 1st meeting, what a difference!! He was so enthused about the meeting, he could not wait to come back again. He really enjoyed the whole process and found you to be very likeable and put him completely at ease from the first minute. The rapport that you built up with him in a very short space of time, I believe, was a big factor in the success he has achieved. The treatment that he received in only 2 sessions, has virtually eradicated the problem. In the 6 weeks since our last meeting, he has only had 2 incidents. That is an amazing result and am so pleased that we pursued this course of action.
He now not only seems to have more confidence in himself but seems to be a happier person because of your help. He no longer feels embarrassed or upset about the problem he experienced and I have seen him mature as a person and come out of his shell again.
The whole experience, regardless of the result, has been a complete pleasure to be a part of. However, the result that you have achieved is nothing short of amazing and would definitely recommend this course of action to anyone else suffering similar issues. I cannot recommend you highly enough to anyone considering hypnotherapy as a course of action. The only problem I have now is that he wants to come back again and continue the chats, even though he has no reason to. ?
Many thanks again for all your help and should we require hypnotherapy assistance again in the future, there is only one place we will be heading – Hampshire Hypnotherapy Centre.
Regards N
Hi Roz
I just wanted to say thank you very much for all your help. Before i came to see you i was feeling very depressed and i was going into further depression because i was bringing myself down with negative thoughts and problems at school. the sessions i had with you made me feel better about myself and gradually made me realise that it wasn’t as bad as i thought. Now I am noticing my negative thoughts and am dismissing them and changing them into positive thoughts. I now feel great and feel like i can achieve all my goals and handle any of life’s problems.
Thanks again,
ps: My mum says hello and sends you lots of positive thoughts.
Hi James
I just thought I would drop you a line to let you know that I have been feeling great since the appointment on Wednesday. The only way I can describe it is that I feel more at peace with the world. I feel more serene generally and much less “on edge” than before.
I didn’t think my life could get any better – I was so wrong. Thank you a million times for everything you had helped me to achieve.
Wishing you health and happiness.
P Winchester
Dear Sue
After years of feeling frustrated with certain aspects of my life I knew deep down that something needed to be done to make me act like a normal person. Before I went to see you I used to let everything affect me, to the point that I would feel very stressed and unable to see things clearly. I used to take out my frustration on others and would blame all those close to me if things didn’t go right (my way)! The anger and envy I felt towards things and people became an every day occurrence that consumed my life and drained all my energy, I let it affect my relationship with my husband, family, friends and my children.
A typical episode was to automatically shut down, blame everyone, blame myself and would even bring up everything that had gone wrong in the past (even if not relevant at that present moment). I would hang on to all those negative thoughts and would play them round and round in my head until I would loose all sense of clarity and I would quickly turn all that anger into self pity. It would sometimes take me hours or even days before I would allow things to return to some normality of everyday life and even then it wouldn’t last long before I would find something else to dwell on. The last straw was when I suffered a panic attack that my husband decided to take control and booked me an appointment to see you. By this point I too was tired and drained of feeling out of control.
I reluctantly went to see you, and most probably ended up being the best choice of my life. My whole experience of hypnotherapy was very pleasant, calming, relaxing and a real eye opener. My journey with you has taught me a lot about myself, why I would act a certain way and why I felt soo out of control. Only by going through this journey and putting into place the techniques you’ve shown me, that I am now able to feel like a new person. I am very in control of my emotions, I have managed to leave the past in the past and feel stress free. I now have the power to choose whether I want to be in control of certain situations or not - but for me there is no going back. I enjoy this new me and by doing hypnotherapy my relationship with those around me have changed and I very often get complimented on how calm and happy I look. I would highly recommend Hypnotherapy to anyone who wants to make that change for the better, so much so that we are now expecting our fourth baby and I have decided to give hypno birthing a try and very much look forward to the new experience.
On behalf of my family and myself, we would like to thank you for all your support and for giving us a new lease of life that is full of joy and calmness.
Yours Sincerely
Things are going really well and at times I feel so positive I could burst.
Thank you for all your help and guidance.
“Peter was understanding to the nature of my condition and provided helpful and constructive sessions to teach me the tools required to help with times of anxiety and also to help move forward independently”
Dear Anita
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful professionalism and undoubted skill. To have an 8yr old suddenly start to wet the bed at night was a real worry for us all, especially for her. I was a sceptic but willing to try anything whilst waiting for our great health service to see her, and here we are 6 weeks before the NHS appointment can even happen and Dry. We have avoided prodding poking and drugs and the way you do things is nothing short of brilliant. It was lovely to meet you.
Andy S
Dear Sue
Every year at around this time I would go shopping, last minute, to try and find something ‘nice’ to wear on Christmas Day. Every year I would be depressed that I hadn’t lost the weight I promised myself I would last year, sometimes I bought something I didn’t really like because it fit ‘ok’ and sometimes I bought something that I would fit into as soon as I lost weight in January (a few of them still hang unworn in my wardrobe). Then I would spend Christmas eating everything in sight to cheer myself up. Sound familiar? NOT THIS YEAR! Now I still have around 1 stone left to lose so still have some way to go but how I feel about it has changed so much that I’m not really bothered about it. I KNOW I CAN DO IT! Thanks so much Sue Peckham and James Holmes and Merry Christmas!
Jeanette S
Hi James
Really pleased with the results – James was a real help, and a thoroughly nice chap all round! He catered the therapy around my needs, which was a great help, and was very helpful and insightful. He really helped me improve my problems with insomnia, and provided me with an audio recording that I have used ever since. I would thoroughly recommend Hants Hypno.
All the best, and happy xmas!
Counselling at the Fareham Counselling Centre, can assist you in managing your emotions at this difficult time, and can help you get your life back on track, no matter how much pain you are feeling at this time and whatever difficulties you are facing.
Call us now on 07946 641270, or complete our online form to book an appointment with one of our Counsellors in our Fareham Practice TODAY!