Counselling and Hypnotherapy for Stress and Anxiety in Fareham, Southampton & Portsmouth

Stress and Anxiety Counselling in Fareham & Portsmouth Hampshire

Why am I stressed for no reason? Why am I stressed all the time? Counselling Help For Stress and Anxiety

Stress and Anxiety: How to Find Relief and Support

Stress can be brought on by people feeling overwhelmed with day-to-day struggles and trying to cope with demands made on them either by work, finances or relationships. Even holidays can cause people to suffer a certain amount of stress.

If these stresses are triggered too easily, it may be that there is more than one event at any given time that is challenging. The overload of stresses can build up to become a bigger more problematic situation.

Dealing with Stress and Anxiety: Strategies for Coping

Stress is a hormonal reaction in the body which defends us against danger, i.e. “fight or flight”. If we didn’t have this we may find ourselves blindly entering situations that could potentially cause ourselves and others harm, both physically and mentally.

The body produces larger quantities of the chemicals cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. These trigger increased rapid breathing, heart rate, heightened muscle preparedness, sweating, and alertness. All these factors improve the ability to respond to a hazardous or challenging situation.

A persistently negative response to challenges can have a detrimental effect on health and happiness. However, being aware of how you react to stressors can help the negative feelings and effects of stress, and help you manage it more effectively.


Acute stress

This type of stress is short-term and is the most common way that stress occurs. Acute stress is often caused by thinking about the pressures of events that have recently occurred, or upcoming demands. It may also cause headaches or stomach upset.

Episodic acute stress

People who frequently experience acute stress, or whose lives present frequent triggers of stress, have episodic acute stress. An individual may experience tension, irritability and mood swings.

Chronic stress

This is the most harmful type of stress which can build up over a long period of time. You may not be aware it is happening.

It occurs when a person can’t see an escape from the cause of stress. Chronic stress can continue unnoticed, as people can become used to it, it can become part of an individual’s personality.

Counselling and Hypnotherapy for Stress and Anxiety in Fareham, Southampton & Portsmouth

Some of the areas which may be the cause are:

  • job issues or retirement

  • lack of time or money

  • family problems

  • illness

  • relationships, marriage, and divorce

Other commonly reported causes of stress are:

  • driving in heavy traffic

  • problems with neighbours

  • pregnancy and becoming a parent

  • excessive noise, overcrowding, and pollution

  • uncertainty or waiting for an important

The physical effects of stress include:

  • sweating

  • pain in the back or chest

  • cramps or muscle spasms

  • erectile dysfunction and loss of libido

  • fainting

  • headaches

  • heart disease

  • high blood pressure

  • lower immunity against diseases

  • nervous twitches

  • sleeping difficulties

  • stomach upset

The emotional Symptoms can include:

  • anger

  • anxiety

  • burnout

  • concentration issues

  • depression

  • fatigue

  • a feeling of insecurity

  • forgetfulness

  • irritability

  • restlessness

  • sadness

Behaviours linked to stress

  • food cravings and eating too much or too little

  • sudden angry outbursts

  • drug and alcohol abuse

  • higher tobacco consumption

  • relationship problems

“Thank you so much for your help and particularly to Ant whose help has been fantastic across the 7 sessions I’ve had with him. To be able to feel comfortable to talk openly and honestly without any fear of feeling judged is a massive help and has had a huge impact on how I feel about myself and the areas of my life that were making me feel very anxious. I’ve learned a number of new techniques and ideas of how I can manage my thoughts that I feel confident about using going forward. Ant is a great listener and has provided such positive advice and I’m truly grateful for this. The environment where the sessions were held was very nice as well. I’d highly recommend you to anyone as it’s so important to talk”

— James T (Fareham)

Managing Stress and Anxiety: Tips and Techniques

As well as Counselling being an effective treatment for the effects of stress, hypnosis and hypnotherapy have also proven to be highly effective. For more information about how Hypnotherapy can help with stress click here.

Acknowledging the signs of stress in your life

A person can be so anxious about the problem that is causing the stress that they do not notice the effects on their body.

Noticing symptoms is the first step to taking action. For example – People who experience work stress due to long hours may need to “take a step back.” It may be time to review their own working practice or to talk to a supervisor about reducing the load.

Find your own de-stressor: Most people have something that helps them relax, such as reading a book, going for a walk, listening to music, or spending time with a friend.

  • remove or change the source of stress

  • alter the way you view a stressful event

  • lower the impact that stress might have on your body

  • learn alternative ways of coping

Everyone at some point will have experienced stress of one form or another in their lifetime, you’re not alone. Ask for help.

Counselling and Hypnotherapy for Stress and Anxiety in Fareham, Southampton & Portsmouth

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Expert care, lasting change with Fareham counselling Centre

Expert Care, Lasting Change


Counselling at the Fareham Counselling Centre, can assist you in managing your emotions at this difficult time, and can help you get your life back on track, no matter how much pain you are feeling at this time and whatever difficulties you are facing.

Call us now on 07946 641270, or complete our online form to book an appointment with one of our Counsellors in our Fareham Practice TODAY!